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The Usual Suspects
Front Range, CO, USA
Classic Rock, New Rock -- Good Rock
The Soundtrack to Your Lives

Online Demo Pak

Proud member of the Read the Bills Act Coalition

This page is our downloadable demo pak.

I suppose the first thing a prospective customer wonders is... what does this band sound like? Well, here is our current demo, though it is showing its age - it was recorded 'way back in 1998. That's like 42 dog-years ago. See this page for more current recordings (though still four years old). Best way to judge is to come see us live! There's a schedule here (though it doesn't get updated as often as it should).

Perhaps the potential customer is interested in knowing what material we perform. We are focused on cover tunes - The Soundtrack To Your Livestm. Mostly Rock - Classics and Newer stuff, with some Blues, and a smattering of Country. We perform on electric and acoustic instruments, as appropriate. Our current (well, most current published) set list can be found here. We are constantly adding new stuff, so this is already out of date, but it gives a flavor of what we do.

Once you have booked us, you may wish to put up a poster or two. There is a suitable poster here, with logo, photos, and a big blank space at the bottom where you can write in the date with a Sharpie, (or with goats blood for that matter). It's a big file, but if you're gonna promote your business, it makes sense to download it. No bigger than your average .mp3.

We maintain an active mailing list with nearly 1000 people on it, all who actually requested we send them our junk mail. As of late, however, we have been de-emphasizing the postal mail advertising in favor of e-mail notices. If you want us to spam you every once in a while with an event schedule, you can sign up here. We promise to use your address only for our musical endeavors.


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